America’s National Sport Baseball Rules


Baseball organized in England in the middle of the 18th century. After 1744, immigrants took the game from England to Canada and North America, where the modern game began. In 1845, Alexander J. Cartwright of New York, also known as the founder of baseball, founded the Knickerbocker Baseball Club, Who made the basic rules of baseball. These have changed over time but many still remain.

Henry Chadwick developed the modern baseball statistical system. In which batting average and running average were prepared. The first international team (Cincinnati Red Stocking) was formed in 1869. The first world competition was held in 1903, and it has been an annual event ever since.

Baseball Rules

Baseball Ground

A baseball field is divided into two sections consisting of a diamond-shaped field. Infields and Out fields. Infield consists of home base plus three bases and a Pitcher plate. The distance between each base is 90 feet. The distance between the bowler and home base is 60 feet. The area outside the infield and between the two foul lines is called the outfield.

One of the 4 bases of the infield is called home base. Where the hitter (batsman) stands. It is made of five-cornered rubber. While the remaining 3 bases are made of white square-shaped canvas bags or rubber sheets. And the pitcher plate is rectangular and raised from the ground consisting of white rubber. This is for the bowler.


Baseball is a 9-player game played between two teams. It consists of 9 innings. Each team takes turns batting and fielding in each innings and the scores at the end of the innings are added to the total score. Baseball team consist of a players. They are distributed as follows:

  1. Catcher (just like wicket keeper in cricket)
  2. Pitcher (bowler in cricket)
  3. 1st base man
  4. 2nd base man
  5. 3rd base man
  6. Short stop b/w 2nd and 3rd baseball
  7. Left fielder
  8. Center fielder
  9. Right fielder


A few things are required to play this game. Like Bat, Ball, Keeper’s gloves, Batter’s helmet, Shin guard and Chest protector.


The bat is made of wood and is round in shape the place where the bat is help is called the holding end. The length of bat is 42 inches maximum, weight is 940g, diameter 2.75 inches and holding end length is 12 inches.


Inner layer of ball is made of cork, middle layer is made of woven yarn and the outer layer is made of leather along with stitches made of threads which holds the outer layer. Weight of ball is 142 to 149g, circumference 229 to 235mm and diameter is 73 to 76mm.

Winning the Game

The team with the highest score at the end of 9 innings is declared the winner. If the match is tied after 9 innings, both teams have to play an extra inning. Extra innings continue until a winning team is determined.

Scoring System

To score, the player has to hit the ball inside the foul line and round all four bases. The player on the other team has to get the ball to the base towards which the hitter is running. A run count is when a player reaches home base touching all the bases before the other team gets the ball to base. If a player hits the ball far enough into the outfields that it crosses the boundary, it’s a home run.

If there are players on all bases (all bases are loaded), a player can score more than one run by hitting. Therefore, if one player hits and reaches first base, the second and third basemen are able to score for their team each time they reach home base. Scores will continue until a player is tagged. A maximum of four points can be scored on one hit.


  1. Baseball has two teams of 9-players.
  2. A turn in baseball refers to the top and bottom. In which the visiting team takes turns in the first half and the home team takes turns later.
  3. Once a batting order is picked, then it can’t be changed all over the game. Substitute players are allowed, who bat in the order of the previous players they replaced.
  4. The area from the batter’s shoulder to the knee is called the strike zone and every ball correctly thrown is called a strike.
  5. The ball thrown outside the strike zone is called the no-ball or bar. It is decided by the Chief Empire.
  6. If the batter misses 3 consecutive strikes, he is out. 3 players getting out means the entire team’s innings is over.
  7. When the batter is hitting the ball and running toward the base, a player from the other team must touch the base or the runner with the ball. This also becomes an out called a tag out.
  8. When the batter hits the ball in the air and the player of the other team catches it, he is fly out.
  9. When the batter hits the ball and reaches first base, the next player on home plate lands. Similarly, when the first player reaches home base, it is a Run Batter in (RBI) count.
  10. A balk is an illegal move by the pitcher that deceives the base runner or batter. When a balk is called, any men on base are awarded the next base.
  11. If the bowler does not throw the ball within 15 to 20 seconds, it is called a bulk.
  12. A player crossing two bases with one hit is called a double play. And if he forces his teammate to the next base, it’s a force play.
  13. In Major Leagues, a match has one chief umpire and 4 or 6 assistant umpires. The number of umpires depends on the importance of the league.