Badminton Rules

The rules of badminton are the regulations governing the gameplay of badminton. Badminton rules have changed over time. Badminton is one of the popular sports in the world, which is watched and played with passion all over the globe.

Badminton Rules

It is the largest sport played in the Olympics games. While badminton is most popular in Asia, in Europe it is also regularly played with the greatest interest as the highest honors. China tops the list as the dominant force in the sport with a total of 20 gold, 12 silvers and 15 bronze medals. Indonesia is second with 8 gold, 6 silver and seven bronze medals.

Choice of Server and Receiver

  • In major tournaments, coin is used to decide which side will serve first.
  • In different league games, the birdie is thrown into the air and when it comes down it is decided which team/player will play first.

Intervals and Changes of Ends

  • One minute game interval between each game is allowed.
  • In the third match, players can change their positions when the leading score is 11.


  • During the serve, the shuttle is higher than the server’s waist or the racket head is higher than the server’s racket head.
  • Player must wait for the shuttle to cross the net before playing a shot and touching the net with your body or racket when you attempt to play over.
  • Shuttle land in the opponent service court including lines.
  • When shuttle hits the outside court boundaries, touches any part of the player.
  • Shuttle hits the net or passes through/under the net.
  • Hitting the shuttle twice for succession by a player or team.


Badminton rules defined by Badminton World Federation (BEF).

  • Rules are almost same in both single and double players.
  • Game start with (0-0).
  • A match consist of the best of 3 games of 21 points.
  • If point will even, server serve from right service court. And receiver will be the opposite (left) court.
  • If point will odd, server serve form left service court. And receiver will be the opposite (right) court.
  • Game always start with right service court.
  • After receiver point rally will change.

Single Player

  • In singles, game beginning score will be (0-0). Server score is even, serves from right service court. When server score is odd, serves from left service court.
  • If the server win a rally, server score a point and then serve from alternative court.
  • If the receiver win a rally, add a point and become new server. Now receiver point decide which is the service court; left if his score is odd, and right if it is even.

Double Players

  • Each service side has only one server.
  • Service will start from right service court due to (0-0).
  • If server side win the rally, they get a point and same server again serve from the alternative service court.
  • If the receiver side win the rally, they get a point and become new servers. Point decide in which service court rally will start.
  • They don’t change their respective service court until they win a point.

Scoring system

  • In every game, starting point (0-0).
  • A rally winning side add a point in his score.
  • At the end which team gain 2 points lead, win that game.
  • If the score reach 20-20 then two-point lead is required for victory. If no player has manage to achieve this two point advantage by the time the score reach 29-29, then the first player to reach 30 is the winner.
  • Matches are generally played over the best-of-three sets.

Example of Double Player Match

  • Team players A&B and C&D.
  • Service winning team is A&B.
Service TeamReceiver TeamWinning TeamScoreChange (Y/N)New ServerNew Receiver
A serves to CC is first receiverA&B win the rally1 – 0A&B change C&D no changeA remain same serverNow D is new receiver
A serves to DD receiver from AC&D win the rally1 – 1No ChangeD is new serverA is new receiver
D serves to AA receiver from DA&B win the rally2 – 1No changeB is new serverC is new receiver
B serves to CC receiver from  BC&D win the rally2 – 2No changeC is new serverB is new receiver
C serves to BB receive from CC&D win the rally3 – 2C&B change A&B no changeC remain same serverA is new receiver