American Football


Being a newbie, you feel like you don’t know what American football is? American football is one of the biggest North American support known as National Football (NFL). NFL played in the worldwide, best players in the world makes this league most competitive. This sport comes in the front of millions of people as a Super Bowl played out around the world.

After reading this document, you can play this with rules and no one can say, go and learn the rules first. Now you will able to enjoy American Football match.

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As other games, the objective of this game is to score more points than your opponent in the allotted time. To do this, the player must move the ball into the end zone by throwing the ball to a teammate or running with the ball. They have 4 downs to do so and cover 10 yards distance.

Players & Ground

Whilst the team consist of 11 players at any one time on the field, a team is actually made up of 45 team members which are split 3 groups of attack. Attack, defense and special team player. Attacking team consist of a quarterback or head coach who guide to run the attacking team and throw the ball to the teammate. Defensive team designed to stop players from running. Special team players are responsible of kicking.

American football ground consist of 100 yards long and 60 yards wide. After each 10 yards, lines are drawn on the ground. These lines are guidelines, and show how far the end zone left. Ground have two parts Pitch and Posts.

Pitch & Posts

  • Posts are found at each end of which the kicker kicks the ball over.
  • The end zones are added at each end of the pitch and are roughly 20 yards in length each.


  • A game start with a coin toss, which team receive the ball first.
  • Game last for four 15mnt quarter. A 2mnt break in each quarter. 15mnt break in 2nd and 3rd quarter.
  • Once they are 10 yards ahead of the chance (down), the down will reset and they move again for another 10 yards.
  • After 4 down passes of 10 yards, the ball will go the defensive team.
  • Game start with kick-out the ball where the team punts down for other team to then run back with the ball as far as possible.
  • There are hundreds of plays that player can on any down. The head coach or quarter back call the on field players.

Winning the Game

At the end, team with most points will deemed the winner. If the match tied, overtime in the shape of additional quarter will come into the play until the winner is found.


  • Four 15mnt quarter
  • Three ‘time-outs’ per half for each team, with a 12 minutes half-time interval.
  • 15mnt overtime, if score is tied.


When a player across the touchdown line, awarded 6 point to their team. Whilst the game a touchdown can be scored by either with the ball or receiving the ball from teammate at the end zone. After a touchdown attacking team have an opportunity to kick the ball for extra point. Ball must pass between upright posts. If the ball reaches the end zone, the team gets 2 points and if it is left, 1pt.

A team usually attempt field goal on the fourth down – if the kicker is closed and through the ball between upright posts. It can be gain at any time. A successful kick will 3 point scored. If the defensive team tackle on attacking opponent in their own end zone, safety point will score (2pt).